voestalpine Roll Forming Corporation
voestalpine RFC Aerospace

High Efficiency Tube Mill

voestalpine Roll Forming Corporation Announces High Efficiency Custom Tube Mill

Delivering Through Increased Efficiency and Capability

voestalpine Roll Forming Corporation is committed to being one step ahead in the marketplace when it comes to identifying trends and shifts in market needs in order to add more customer value as a trusted partner.

Our growth is relying more and more heavily on increased research and development efforts and application of new and different technologies,
Keith Woods, Corporate Engineering Manager

New technologies not only make it possible to implement more complex designs, they also work faster and make some previous processes superfluous.

Earlier this year, voestalpine Roll Forming Corporation implemented new custom mandrel bending and tube laser cutting technologies. Now, the introduction of a high efficiency custom tube mill, producing welded profiles, is underway.

The tube mill will provide solutions to the trends in the solar, off-highway, office furniture and transportation markets for a higher capacity of both standard metric tubes and custom profiles.

Some of the solutions provided will be the ability to produce straighter and higher quality tubes with customizable corner radii. The direct forming method of this mill will leave less stress in the tubes compared to other tube forming methods, producing a consistency in secondary forming and welding.

For more information on the high efficiency custom tube mill: