voestalpine Roll Forming Corporation
voestalpine RFC Aerospace

RFC Employee Driven Mask and Strap Production

When times are tough, innovation abounds.

Safety Efforts & Community Outreach during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mask Production

Lean Manager, Susan A. Nally, assembled an internal team to help produce face masks for RFC employees. To date, more than 1,000 masks have been created and being distributed to employees at all six locations across three states. RFC has also procured other masks for its employees during this time. Any N95 masks in RFC’s possession are being donated to local and state authorities to distribute to and support local healthcare workers.

We Lysol sanitize the masks, package them with instructions and then pray over each mask, it is a very real way to show support for all of our hard working friends and family at RFC. Everyone working wants to keep their families safe. Keeping every individual employee safe is our first and highest concern. We are a great company, because at the beginning and end of the day, we care about each other. Every employee is family.
Sue Nally, Lean Manager

3D Printed Strap Production

RFC’s Product and Business Development teams have been 3D printing straps for face masks. They have partnered with local hospitals to assess and meet needs. Straps are being delivered to local healthcare workers.

Green Lights Around Kentucky

Did you know that green is the color for empathy, compassion and renewal? Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has invited Kentucky residents and businesses to light their buildings in green to honor lives lost due to COVID-19. Thanks to the RFC Maintenance team, all RFC Shelbyville locations are lit in green.